🩶 Crochet: Wacom Cintiq Cover 🩶

Monday, 25 March 2024

Don't know if anyone remembers but last January i made a list of things i want to crochet for my desk setup. Last week I freehanded making a cover for my drawing tablet. I think redid this 3x before settling on this for now. I have no energy to redo it the fourth time. I just need to stop being so perfectionist and accept that this is what my capability is for now. Maybe in the future i will revisit and improve on this piece.

Some more thoughts:
🌷 - i wish its a bit more tight and snug.
🌷 - i don't like the corners having bigger holes. instead of doing the corners granny-square style, i should've made 4 hdc on the corner stitches.
🌷- i really wanted to put tulip stitch on it but i worry its gonna expose the black bezel too much underneath